This is “LAIKA Moon Dog” presented by the University Dramatic Society at UWA. This show is Written and Directed by Priya Wilson. While this show deals with a story that surrounds a notion of animal cruelty, we aim to help raise funds for the Shenton Park Dogs’ Refuge Home where many of our team got their pets from.
“Eight cadets are chosen to go to the moon by the director of Western Aviation and Space Control, Maxim Petrov. To ensure the cadets are ready to go to space, Maxim’s assistant Wassily, and WAASCC therapist Dr. Portia, run a training program called LAIKA. The program is brutal and psychologically taxing; or Dr. Portia and Wassily think so, but Maxim insists it will separate out the successful candidates from the ones who might jeopardise a trip to space.
Matilda Gold has always wanted to go to the moon, but one thing holds her back: her bubbly, eager younger sister Gracie.”
The Laika Team acknowledges that our storytelling will take place on the traditional lands of the original storytellers, the Whadjuk Noongar Boodja. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.